
Well, that was a lovely Summer Quarterly Review! The office has (almost) never been so full, and we were delighted to have so many of our global community join us online too.

We received some rapid-fire updates on all things business strategy, organisational structure, and finance from the exec – John, Paul and Crossy (representing George and Ringo). These core aspects of the business ensure that we continue our focus on providing sustainable capability to our customers.

The Talking Bit

Next, we had the Hall of Helens: our new resourcing lead Helen T shared her radical roadmap on all things resourcing and utilisation (making sure everyone gets the chance to avoid being over- or under-utilised). This stuff is really important for the growth both of the organisation and equally, for each individual. It’s down to everyone in the company to drive their own development, supported by a framework of learning. Qr paul

Then it was Helen B’s turn. We got some exciting news about the work already underway in Wales. It’s really interesting to see some of the innovation that’s being driven out by the Welsh Assembly. There are probably a lot of lessons we can take from these projects and from their work, and share with our wider network in England, Northern Ireland and Ireland. 󠁧󠁢󠁷

Next up was Lisa P, with the launch 4OC Support Mk2.0. She showcased our focus on embracing new tools and approaches for the best outcomes. Lots of changes afoot in support, not least through the addition of focussed, dedicated business support coordinators – shout out to Vicky and Patrick Overs.

We concluded the review with a conversation about AutogenAI – exploring the potential impact of AI, or at least this version of AI, in and to our work. It was thought-provoking and reflected our constant quest for innovation and better ways of working. But still being humans!

The More Talking bit

Qr allAfter all that thinking, it was time to use our mouths and brains in a different way. So we headed down to Mercato Metropolitano for a splendid evening of food and drinks. It was a fantastic and well-earned opportunity to spend some more time together (booooo), not talking about making the world better (yaaaaay) but still actually making the world better (yaaaaaaaaay).  

The end.  

Til Autumn rises.