Saskia Clarke

Design Shop Lead

All the good things

Research and analysis; Team player; Compassionate

And the bad things

The cold; Mushrooms; F1

What do you do when you’re not working?

I enjoy going to the gym, making new soups and photography at the weekend. I also enjoy socialising with friends and family, as well as listening to true crime podcasts.

A bit about me

I have recently graduated with a degree in Psychology, and my background includes social care and an industrial placement in the NHS. This work has given me an understanding of structural organisation within the health sector, and allowed me to develop a set of skills, such as problem solving and communication, within this area; both of which are key skills in my current role.

I joined 4OC because their key company values were relatable, and they aligned with my own personal beliefs. I enjoy the challenges of working in a business environment, with an energetic atmosphere, while working collaboratively towards common goals. In addition, the opportunity to continue working with public sector companies from a different perspective was and is an exciting prospect.