We enable change within public service delivery organisations, supporting them to provide more impactful and better-integrated services. We work alongside our clients solving complex problems, developing innovative solutions that are pragmatic, workable and drive out the best value.

Here’s how we do it

We listen (a lot).

We take the time to understand what it is that’s causing you trouble. We get the right people in the room. We workshop the issue to uncover a bit more detail. We test to see if there’s a quick fix you can deliver yourselves. We listen some more. Once we’ve listened to everyone, we write it all down. And we commit to providing a rapid response.

We think a lot.

Once we come away from these workshops, we quickly pull together a blend of our best people to work through the issue, drawing on their experience. We engage our support team to provide the latest thinking and market scanning. These dynamic sessions usually generate a range of interesting and innovative ideas. We capture these ideas.

We agree a plan.

We come back to present an outline of the options that we think could work with a recommended option. Ultimately, it’s your decision, so we work through the various options until we get agreement on the best way to proceed. We go away again and work up a more detailed plan, highlighting the activities, outputs and timelines to deliver it.

We engage with the client team.

With sign-off from the client, we proceed into mobilisation. We run a kick-off session with the project sponsor and team to make sure everyone is on the same page. We agree the success measures for the project and agree the best way to communicate and work with the project team and wider organisation, and schedule all the engagements for the next stages.

Then we deep dive the problem.

Once we’ve fully agreed the objectives, outputs, outcomes and approach, we begin the project proper. This is where we undertake the one-to-ones and workshops with the relevant individuals and teams and carry out the appropriate levels of market research. From this work, we develop a really rich understanding of the issue.

Together, we co-design solution options.

What we do that really has an impact on the success rates in our project delivery is recognise and work with the knowledge, experience and wisdom of the client team. We bring our change capability and work closely with the operational experts to develop innovative, workable solutions that take account of the day to day reality of running the business.

We validate and refine the solution.

We write up the outputs of the solutioning sessions into a succinct report, which we present back to the project sponsor/executive team. Through this validation workshop, we further refine the solution to accurately reflect the corporate objectives and align to the project success measures.

Then we deliver the solution.

The solution will have been designed to be easily converted into reality. We bring a set of tools and methods that we have successfully applied in over 450 projects and programmes. We also bring change, analysis, project management and technical experts that get huge satisfaction from turning what’s been developed on paper to an effective outcome.


Finally, we embed, handover and celebrate!

Projects often fail after they’ve been completed. This can happen for a variety of reasons. We have a team of seasoned operational leaders, who understand and will ensure the new ways of working are embedded into the business. This happens alongside our handover sessions, where we undertake lessons learned and hand over all the collateral. And then we party*.

Our aim is to leave a lasting legacy of improved operational and change capability, supported by practical tools and approaches and more importantly a shift in thinking and culture.

If you like the sound of what we do

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