
Engaging employees regularly on their performance and growth is critical to retention.

Many successful companies have taken steps to evolve from the traditional annual reviews to a more collaborative Performance Appraisal, replacing static templates with a more personalised model with a people-first approach to development.

This approach raises performance by setting tailored goals, reviewing progress and developing people through learning opportunities. McKinsey’s insights reveal that a personalised, learner-centric culture in the workplace is crucial, driving engagement and the cultivation of relevant skills through a diverse mix of learning experiences. Additionally, PLOS ONE research suggests that a forward-looking focus in performance feedback is more effective for motivating behavioural change, as it encourages employees to engage in goal-directed actions and aligns with their future development potential.

How to customise performance appraisals for maximum engagement and growth

As with the individual model, the Performance Appraisal approach will need to be tailored to your organisation, and our people experts have developed a few tips below to help you achieve this:

1) Meet regularly

Meet regularly to update goals, assess how they are being met, uncover opportunities to help reach them and discuss feedback. When feedback is given regularly, it feels natural, is relevant to their current performance situation and people feel more engaged and productive. Ensure employees preferences on when and how they would like to meet are accommodated where possible.

2) Offer time to prepare before the conversations

Provide any support they would like in advance, such as:
a. Structured questions in advance
b. Clear and specific written feedback
c. Clarity on expectations of the role and progression routes
d. Visual aids, such as charts or mind maps to show strengths and areas for progression.

3) Personalise support to ensure people can thrive, such as: 

a. Individual support to identify and map progression plans, tailored to their skills and specific needs
b. Providing mentoring, to help people achieve their goals
c. Providing access to training opportunities
d. Encourage a culture of collaboration, through peer-guided learning and peer reviews

4) Adopt a coaching mindset

A coaching mindset creates a calm, focused and supportive environment. For example:
a. Don’t rush conversations
b. Actively listen, to understand, learn and guide
c. Be honest and transparent, enabling big-picture conversations so people can see the role they plan in the company and the impact they have
d. Clearly and positively communicate successes and identifying areas for development and growth
e. Focus on the future, rather than past behaviourYasmin text body image

5) Be clear on the next steps, actions and due dates

For example, using SMART goal setting, to ensure they are:
a. Specific, with a clear picture of success, and a framework of how to achieve it
b. Measurable, to ensure goals are clear and tangible
c. Achievable, to ensure they can reach success and boost confidence
d. Relevant, to align their goals with the company to ensure they have the right opportunities to achieve their goals.
e. Time-bound, to help prioritise their goals along with day-to-day deadlines.

6) Separate performance appraisals from advancements conversations

Splitting wage discussions from feedback invites a more open dialogue and growth mindset.

7) Do what you say you will do

What does all that mean?

With remote work becoming the norm, employees are physically separated and will be lost at sea if managers only check in with them once a year. Using an individualised Performance Appraisal can help ensure employees are engaged, happy, and that their growth is aligned with that of the company, in turn driving efficiency Yasmin text body image 2 and ensuring team responsibilities are met and exceeded.

Our people experts are on hand to support you and your teams in navigating those tricky conversations. Embrace a people-first strategy and set goals that inspire, cultivate skills and create a culture of growth together.

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