James Curran

Director of Strategy and Innovation

All the good things

Charming; Witty; Handsome.

And the bad things

Little white lies; Business Analysis (see above, and far down below).

What do you do when you’re not working?

I love the movies. I love walking around London, aimlessly, getting lost and finding new things. It’s a great city for that. I love getting out of London too. I grew up by the sea, so I miss it sometimes. I do DIY. And once I’ve done it, I pay someone to come in to undo what I’ve done and do a proper job. Interior Design (see DIY). I used to be sporty. I like nice beer and nice gin and nice coffee.

A bit about me

I’ve spent a lifetime moving careers rather than jobs. As I’ve got older, the moving part has slowed down. I recently worked as a Business Analyst with Capita and later with Serco. My biggest learning from those two jobs was that I didn’t want to be a BA. The upside was that I got to meet and work with Catherine, Paul, Mat, Fran, Andy, Mark, Bal and John (although I know John a bit longer). My role now is Director of Strategy and Innovation, which involves helping to make 4OC a great place to work and being interested in what people are doing (nosy).

Prior to working here, I’ve worked in Banking, Telecoms, Software Development, been a Gardener, worked in the Apple Store and spent several years as a care worker, then manager in Homeless Services in Dublin. My first job was packing chickens. I only lasted 1 day.