Chris French

Senior Business Consultant

All the good Things

Working with like-minded clients, discovering new ways of working, showcasing the art-of-the-possible. Basically, working out what needs to be done and how then getting stuck in.

And the bad things

Fake people when there’s no need … eggs, be it fried, scrambled, poached, quiche’d, mayo’d urghhh.

What do you do when you're not working?

Learning to ride motorbikes, very late to the party on that one. Love me some Paddleboarding and Roasting coffee although not at the same time… although now you mention it…


A bit about me

Experience in retail, e-commerce, education spaces and creating some incredible products and initiatives. Big highlights so far are product launches for Apple, Blackberry (back in the day), Great Place To Work certification, Contract mobilisations for private education and obviously joining the 4OC crew. The interesting thing about 4OC is that every single person wants to make complex easier. Just laser focussed on that goal and the team do everything they can to make that happen. That to me is inspiring and that’s why I joined. #Inspired

About me… well, in Brighton & Hove I was born and raised, spent most of my time in pubs and clubs then moved up to Leicestershire countryside. A big 90’s indie music fan with sprinklings of 80’s electro vibes. Love a good conversation and a well-made Old Fashioned.