Catherine Cross

Founder and Business Development Director

All the good things

Empathy; Mind reading; Singing and dancing.

And the bad things

Inappropriate use of the ampersand (&).

What do you do when you’re not working?

I play proper 11 aside football – centre midfield and goalkeeper – not at the same time. I also help run the club. I also play in a brass band, euphonium (a what??) and I also help run the band (there’s a theme emerging here). I love cooking and love eating more.  I’m married but my poor husband hardly sees me – probably for the best.

A bit about me

John, Paul and I started 4OC in 2012 as we wanted to create an organisation that focussed on making change really work in the public sector, so we did just that and we have never looked back (Ok, maybe once or twice).

What I bring to the 4OC party is extensive experience in designing and delivering large scale complex change programmes that have improved operational performance and benefits to the end user, be they customer or service user. Having shimmied up the slippery pole to Executive Director level, in market leading organisations, I know at first hand how difficult it is to lead and deliver change while doing the day job. I have lots of empathy for folks in those positions. I also know quite a bit about what works and more importantly what doesn’t and am very happy to share the love.

I pretty much play a part across the whole organisation, but currently I spend most of my time working with the Housing, Sustainability, Health and Third Sector teams.