Safe Pair of Hands

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Safe Pair of Hands

We help you get the right information at your finger tips to allow you to make good decisions and understand their consequences.

Your Challenge

What used to be done in months is now being done in weeks and what used to be done in weeks is done in days. Some of the rigour around decision making has, quite rightly, had to be set aside in favour of expediency.  

Balancing relative risks on a daily basis is now commonplace for most leaders. Being aware of what new risks are being created is one thing, how they are managed out over time, when organisations are in a reactive state, is another. Most risk doesn’t just go away and many get worse over time.   

The implications of the pandemic will be far reaching and at some point everyone will need to answer to scrutiny about the decisions that were made in the heat of the crisis, when hindsight will be a wonderful thing.  

Good organisations will have in place programme management disciplines to help manage this, but as a leader is this really giving you the comfort and confidence you need? 

Andrew Smith


Our Approach

Really good programme management should be able to clearly articulate risk and impact, and to develop workable solutions with operational teams. 

Equally importantly, the information that they provide should allow leaders to make good decisions and understand their consequencesThey should ensure that everyone is clear about their roles and responsibilities, that activities are planned, there is adequate resource to carry them out. 

All this must be done with a high degree of sensitivity to the shifting organisational and political pressures that leaders are currently facing, while also being able to document these appropriately. Doing this requires a high degree of skill and experience of working in crisis situations.   

The Outputs

  1. 4OC’s programme management approach is highly pragmatic as it has been developed, and is delivered, by a team of people who have themselves, lead through crises and keeps leaders in control by providing timely information on risk, impact and how the consequences of decisions can be managed.  
  2. The approach is able to rapidly assimilate 4OC’s operational and programme management expertise with our customers’ organisational knowledge so that plans and solutions can be developed quickly.   
  3. We provide the thinking capacity whilst you deal with very real operational challenges.  
  4. Our 4OC Project Portal platform ensures that: the underpinning data that ensures delivery is actively monitored; project constraints are adequately understood; quality and timeliness of delivery is maintained; and management and executive management information is available at any time on mobile devices and platforms


This platform also provides project team co-ordination based on various aspects of the Microsoft Office 365 suite. 

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