Backlog Management

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Backlog Management

We work with you, your teams and the supply chain to develop models for any scenario that you will encounter resulting from the lockdown and it’s relaxation.

Your challenge as a Housing Association or Council

The national talk has shifted towards easing restrictions and recovering. Which is great news. But the HAs and Councils we work with are a little worried.

There are long (and growing) backlogs for non-essential repairs. This is held back by lockdown, but as it eases there is a tidal wave of demand waiting.

Combined with a hampered supply chain. This adds up to a seemingly unquantifiable issue that’s causing headaches for the Housing Repairs function.

You are balancing costs and resources required to deliver on the backlog, with customer satisfaction, employee safety and stakeholder visibility.

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What can 4OC do?

We’ve helped several Councils and Housing Associations to navigate this issue already, and we’d love to help you do the same.

We start out with a workshop designed specifically for organisations in this situation. To give you confidence in estimating costs, demand and resourcing. So you can plan for success as we recover.

This workshop will cover:

  • Developing your recovery plan, based on data to help you make informed decisions
  • Robust resourcing models so you can understand your cost and time implications
  • The right metrics allowing you to manage the performance of backlog teams and the supply chain through this period
  • Creation of reporting to gives customers and stakeholders visibility and confidence
  • A solution which can be executed and managed by your internal teams

Free Workshop

We are offering this comprehensive workshop free to the next three Social Housing organisations that get in touch

    Why choose 4OC?

    • Our team is experienced in successfully managing backlogs
    • Our relationships with key suppliers give us insights into their thinking and processes
    • We have really good relationships with all of our clients, and will happily refer you to any of them to discuss how we work

    “The range of experience the 4OC team brought to our team was subtly deployed and genuinely useful in avoiding pitfalls associated with managing and implementing change.”

    Carl Byrne, Director of Housing, Notting Hill Genesis Housing