Managing Virtual Teams

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Managing Virtual Teams

Ensuring distance doesn’t get in the way of performance.

Your Challenge

Working across multiple sites can create some barriers to productivity, but remote doesn’t have to mean distant. With the right support, managers can transition team working practices and support their teams to perform in this new, virtual environment. 

  • Are teams struggling to overcome perceived barriers to performing remotely? 
  • Do managers need new tools to engage, develop and performance manage their people virtually? 

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Our Approach

Providing tools and development across 5 key domains, our virtual team leadership suite provides managers with reliable, repeatable tools to ensure that their teams: 


1) Have clear mechanisms for communication in place 

2) Work well as a group, supporting each other and pitching in to get the job done 

3) Identify and work closely with the key functions outside of their own team to ensure that they stay connected to the wider organisation 

4) Recognise and put a plan in place to develop and use the new skills they need to perform differently 

5) Identify challenges to continued team performance and put mitigations in place to ensure stability of services. 

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The Outputs

1) A suite of management tools, workshops and templates to enable effective remote management and virtual team delivery, tailored to compliment existing management development and support 

2) We will work with your digital function to ensure that this support is delivered through, and reinforces the value of, your enterpise digital solutions 

3) Our approach builds organisational capability. We will undertake a baseline assessment prior to engagement and post-learning to demonstrate learning gain 

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