Business Scenario Modelling

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Business Scenario Modelling

Understanding the impacts of the options available to you based on a rigorous process for data analysis and assumptions development.

Your Challenge

The world is changing, and at the moment it’s changing faster and more radically than we could ever have envisaged. It’s still difficult to imagine where we may end up and this is as true for organisations as it is for us as individuals.  

In order for your organisation to be able to effectively respond, the Management and Executive teams require evidence to be able to make sound decisions on the options available to them.

To support this, you need to model a set of potential outcomes and to capture and document the resource, financial and operational impacts for each. 


John Curran

Our Approach

4OC have a set of tools to enable us to model operational impacts of change and we have applied our approach across a range of sectors including Health, Transport, Housing, Education and Local Government.

Our powerful methodology assimilates business intelligence from many sources and consolidates it into detailed data models, which in turn generate a range of potential outcomes, risks, scenarios, and financial and resource impacts.


Our analysts have strong commercial and research experience and can easily engage with the business to carry out rapid assessments of data sources and develop an agreed set of assumptions.

With this information, they will rapidly generate proof of concept models in order to enable clearer management thinking and support better decision making.

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The Results

The biggest impact of scenario modelling is in the presentation of the findings. The process of establishing the facts, identifying assumptions and workshopping a set of scenarios with stakeholders across your business enables us to generate compelling visual output that makes complex situations accessible.

Our approach generates models that can easily be repurposed for future analysis. It is produced in a very accessible style for internal use to support decision making and change preparation. We work with your internal teams to ensure a detailed handover of collateral as part of the approach.

Our Insight Team are responsible for the final, high-quality bespoke output in a form to your senior management and executive’s needs and to support their decision making requirements.


If you want to discuss your business challenge, contact us using the form below and we can run you through our approach and the outcomes you might expect.

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